Problem with custom stationery not working
(too old to reply)
2008-11-30 04:01:14 UTC
I followed the directions to do a customer stationery. The name of the
stationery I created is
listed as a choice but when I click on "create new message" it doesn't come
up, just the usual
blank page.

I want this stationery (letter head) to come up every time I click on
create new msg as the default.
Steve Cochran
2008-12-04 10:41:57 UTC
Go to Message | New message Using and then choose the stationery.
Alternatively, you can create a new message and then go to File | Save As
and save it and then click on that each time you wish to send a new message.

Post by Bubey
I followed the directions to do a customer stationery. The name of the
stationery I created is
listed as a choice but when I click on "create new message" it doesn't come
up, just the usual
blank page.
I want this stationery (letter head) to come up every time I click on
create new msg as the default.
Rachael James
2008-12-05 08:49:24 UTC
You must open under tools/ options/ compose- in your OE browser- then add
stationary and it will come up with every composition.
Rachael James
<(((('> ~~~ ><> ><>
I followed the directions to do a customer stationery. The name of the
stationery I created is
listed as a choice but when I click on "create new message" it doesn't come
up, just the usual
blank page.
I want this stationery (letter head) to come up every time I click on
create new msg as the default.
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