OE changes my HTML template when using it!
(too old to reply)
Michel Merlin
2007-02-17 12:20:20 UTC
OE changes my HTML template when using it!In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template. This is totally irrelevant, useless, badly harming, and totally unacceptable - yet it has never been corrected or even acknowledged in years.

For instance, for a test, let's write a basic Letter template ("OE > Message > New Message Using > Merlin_Letter_Basic"), that begins like this (in the HTML Source pane):
===== Template excerpt, BEG =====
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Lettre Merlin</TITLE>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
BODY {BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: black; FONT: 10pt arial}

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2963" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=white>
<DIV>Michel Merlin, <A
href="mailto:***@laposte.net">***@laposte.net</A>, mobile
===== Template excerpt, END =====
When opening a New Message using this template ("OE > Message > New Message Using > Merlin_Letter_Basic"), the New Message that OE opens, starts like this (still in Source pane):
===== New Message excerpt, BEG =====
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
href="file://C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
BODY {BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: black; FONT: 10pt arial}

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2963" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=white>
<DIV>Michel Merlin, <A
href="mailto:***@laposte.net">***@laposte.net</A>, mobile
===== New Message excerpt, END =====
IOW, OE has altered my template, with 2 additions:

1) a "<BASE ... >" tag, totally irrelevant, and badly harmful - anyway inserting or not such a tag is my choice, not Microsoft's, and it is totally counterproductive that they force it on me;
2) a blank line ("<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>") that I don't want, and that is inserted in a place highly visible from the recipient but where I don't think of checking when writing (since it has no reason to change, and should even remain untouched).

This of course happens with all templates, so each time I open a message in OE (Ctrl+N), I have, before doing anything else, to open the Source pane and to remove the unwanted additions. I have suffered this little time loss on every message open in every day since several years. I have reported it a couple times in MS Public Newsgroups in the past years, it has never been corrected so far. So I am renewing my request twofold to anyone who can help:

1) How can I workaround this, and have OE keep my template unaltered when using it?

2) To anyone having a relevant contact at MS (from managers to staff to "volunteers"), could you forward them this request:
Please MS, if you are really sure you are the only on earth with a brain, if you really think everyone else is stupid, then please submit and explain them your POV, but don't force it onto them!

Please force your own choices in default settings and templates, or submit them to customer when he saves his template, but let him later edit his template as he wants, and never alter this template when being used!
Versailles, Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100
Michel Merlin
2007-02-17 12:53:15 UTC
OE changes my HTML template when using it!If ever someone sticking with pre-web era of Plain Text was nevertheles interested in having MS HTML behaving properly, here is the same message, reposted in PLAIN TEXT.

Versailles, Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:53:15 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
Sent: Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100 (12:20:20 GMT)
Subject: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template. This is totally irrelevant, useless, badly harming, and totally unacceptable - yet it has never been corrected or even acknowledged in years.

For instance, for a test, let's write a basic Letter template ("OE > Message > New Message Using > Merlin_Letter_Basic"), that begins like this (in the HTML Source pane):

===== Template excerpt, BEG =====
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Lettre Merlin</TITLE>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
BODY {BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: black; FONT: 10pt arial}

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2963" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=white>
<DIV>Michel Merlin, <A
href="mailto:***@laposte.net">***@laposte.net</A>, mobile
===== Template excerpt, END =====

When opening a New Message using this template ("OE > Message > New Message Using > Merlin_Letter_Basic"), the New Message that OE opens, starts like this (still in Source pane):

===== New Message excerpt, BEG =====
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
href="file://C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
BODY {BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: black; FONT: 10pt arial}

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2963" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=white>
<DIV>Michel Merlin, <A
href="mailto:***@laposte.net">***@laposte.net</A>, mobile
===== New Message excerpt, END =====

IOW, OE has altered my template, with 2 additions:

1) a "<BASE ... >" tag, totally irrelevant, and badly harmful - anyway inserting or not such a tag is my choice, not Microsoft's, and it is totally counterproductive that they force it on me;

2) a blank line ("<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>") that I don't want, and that is inserted in a place highly visible from the recipient but where I don't think of checking when writing (since it has no reason to change, and should even remain untouched).

This of course happens with *all* templates, so each time I open a message in OE (Ctrl+N), I have, *before doing anything else*, to open the Source pane and to remove the unwanted additions. I have suffered this little time loss on *every message* open in *every day* since *several years*. I have reported it a couple times in MS Public Newsgroups in the past years, it has never been corrected so far. So I am renewing my request twofold to anyone who can help:


2) To anyone having a relevant contact at MS (from managers to staff to "volunteers"), could you forward them this request:

Please MS, if you are really sure you are the only on earth with a brain, if you really think everyone else is stupid, then please *submit* and *explain* them your POV, but don't *force* it onto them!

Please force your own choices in *default* settings and templates, or *submit* them to customer when he saves his template, but let him later edit his template as he wants, and NEVER ALTER THIS TEMPLATE WHEN BEING USED!

Versailles, Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100
Steve Cochran
2007-02-20 13:03:13 UTC
OE changes my HTML template when using it!
"Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net> wrote in message news:OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template. This is totally irrelevant, useless, badly harming, and totally unacceptable - yet it has never been corrected or even acknowledged in years.

Well you "hit the nail on the head" here as we say on this side of the pond. I haven't checked in WinMail in Vista to see if they still do this, but I doubt seriously that they will ever fix it in OE.

As a workaround, try composing the message with the template as you wish it, and then try File | Save As and then see if the eml file when you open it is modified with the Base href or not.

I just tried it and it appears then not to insert the href. So instead of using the New Message Using, just create a template file and save it and whenever you compose a message click that template.


For instance, for a test, let's write a basic Letter template ("OE > Message > New Message Using > Merlin_Letter_Basic"), that begins like this (in the HTML Source pane):
===== Template excerpt, BEG =====
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Lettre Merlin</TITLE>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
BODY {BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: black; FONT: 10pt arial}

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2963" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=white>
<DIV>Michel Merlin, <A
href="mailto:***@laposte.net">***@laposte.net</A>, mobile
===== Template excerpt, END =====
When opening a New Message using this template ("OE > Message > New Message Using > Merlin_Letter_Basic"), the New Message that OE opens, starts like this (still in Source pane):
===== New Message excerpt, BEG =====
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
href="file://C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
BODY {BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: black; FONT: 10pt arial}

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2963" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=white>
<DIV>Michel Merlin, <A
href="mailto:***@laposte.net">***@laposte.net</A>, mobile
===== New Message excerpt, END =====
IOW, OE has altered my template, with 2 additions:

1) a "<BASE ... >" tag, totally irrelevant, and badly harmful - anyway inserting or not such a tag is my choice, not Microsoft's, and it is totally counterproductive that they force it on me;
2) a blank line ("<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>") that I don't want, and that is inserted in a place highly visible from the recipient but where I don't think of checking when writing (since it has no reason to change, and should even remain untouched).

This of course happens with all templates, so each time I open a message in OE (Ctrl+N), I have, before doing anything else, to open the Source pane and to remove the unwanted additions. I have suffered this little time loss on every message open in every day since several years. I have reported it a couple times in MS Public Newsgroups in the past years, it has never been corrected so far. So I am renewing my request twofold to anyone who can help:

1) How can I workaround this, and have OE keep my template unaltered when using it?

2) To anyone having a relevant contact at MS (from managers to staff to "volunteers"), could you forward them this request:
Please MS, if you are really sure you are the only on earth with a brain, if you really think everyone else is stupid, then please submit and explain them your POV, but don't force it onto them!

Please force your own choices in default settings and templates, or submit them to customer when he saves his template, but let him later edit his template as he wants, and never alter this template when being used!
Versailles, Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100
Michel Merlin
2007-02-20 17:54:25 UTC
Thanks for helping.

I didn't find how to do what you say.

1) I open a New Message (<Ctrl>N), I remove the BASE tag in it, in its "New Message" window I click "File > Save As", which offers me to save it as a Windows file in the Windows FS. I chose to navigate to my "C:\0oe" folder, and to create there a "Templates" sub-folder, in which I save the file as "New Message.eml", then I create in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu" a Shortcut to that "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file.

2) But then double-clicking that Shortcut opens the "New Message.eml" file as uneditable, and I don't remember how to render it editable. Then this implies to save the being edited copy of this file in "OE > Drafts" without altering the initial file in "C:\0oe\Templates".

To test if this would be really shorter than my current process (<Ctrl>N, Source pane, selecting the BASE tag and deleting it, then back to Edit pane), I need to know how to render the file editable. Can you recall me?

I also tried in the past to save a file in an OE "folder" (i.e. a File in Windows FS) named "Templates", but using it wasn't really faster than my current process.

Anyway, please tell me if I understood correctly what you meant me to try (and correct me if necessary). TIA,

Versailles, Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100

----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Steve Cochran <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/FC5049C8-AD61-4B26-9A40-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 08:03:13 -0500 (13:03:13 GMT)
Subject: Re: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

Well you "hit the nail on the head" here as we say on this side of the pond. I haven't checked in WinMail in Vista to see if they still do this, but I doubt seriously that they will ever fix it in OE.

As a workaround, try composing the message with the template as you wish it, and then try File | Save As and then see if the eml file when you open it is modified with the Base href or not.

I just tried it and it appears then not to insert the href. So instead of using the New Message Using, just create a template file and save it and whenever you compose a message click that template.


----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
Sent: Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100 (12:20:20 GMT)
Subject: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template...
Steve Cochran
2007-02-20 21:14:45 UTC
I just save to the desktop, but then it gets cluttered. You probably need
to make the registry change to make the unsent behavior work again. Get the
latest OE security patch also. See www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14


"Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net> wrote in message news:***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
Thanks for helping.

I didn't find how to do what you say.

1) I open a New Message (<Ctrl>N), I remove the BASE tag in it, in its "New
Message" window I click "File > Save As", which offers me to save it as a
Windows file in the Windows FS. I chose to navigate to my "C:\0oe" folder,
and to create there a "Templates" sub-folder, in which I save the file as
"New Message.eml", then I create in "C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Start Menu" a Shortcut to that "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml"

2) But then double-clicking that Shortcut opens the "New Message.eml" file
as uneditable, and I don't remember how to render it editable. Then this
implies to save the being edited copy of this file in "OE > Drafts" without
altering the initial file in "C:\0oe\Templates".

To test if this would be really shorter than my current process (<Ctrl>N,
Source pane, selecting the BASE tag and deleting it, then back to Edit
pane), I need to know how to render the file editable. Can you recall me?

I also tried in the past to save a file in an OE "folder" (i.e. a File in
Windows FS) named "Templates", but using it wasn't really faster than my
current process.

Anyway, please tell me if I understood correctly what you meant me to try
(and correct me if necessary). TIA,

Versailles, Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100

----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Steve Cochran <***@oehelp.com>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/FC5049C8-AD61-4B26-9A40-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 08:03:13 -0500 (13:03:13 GMT)
Subject: Re: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

Well you "hit the nail on the head" here as we say on this side of the pond.
I haven't checked in WinMail in Vista to see if they still do this, but I
doubt seriously that they will ever fix it in OE.

As a workaround, try composing the message with the template as you wish it,
and then try File | Save As and then see if the eml file when you open it is
modified with the Base href or not.

I just tried it and it appears then not to insert the href. So instead of
using the New Message Using, just create a template file and save it and
whenever you compose a message click that template.


----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin <***@laposte.net>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
Sent: Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100 (12:20:20 GMT)
Subject: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my
Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New
Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template...
Michel Merlin
2007-02-21 06:41:45 UTC
1) My PCs are always kept updated (with a few exceptions, like KB911567 never installed - and no more reproposed by MU after KB918766).

2) I applied the "FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change, it didn't work, even after closing/restarting OE, recreating and resaving the "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file: the file still opens as uneditable. I guess shutting down/restarting Windows wouldn't change either.

I'll give up. Thanks again anyway for trying to help. This may be just an annoyance, it is time consuming so your attention was very welcome. I feel better now that I know everything that could be tried has been actually. I hope I didn't disturb too much. Thanks again!

Versailles, Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/1EF0D5C3-6193-4722-8DF2-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 16:14:45 -0500 (21:14:45 GMT)
Subject: Re: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

I just save to the desktop, but then it gets cluttered. You probably need to make the registry change to make the unsent behavior work again. Get the latest OE security patch also. See www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14


----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100 (17:54:25 GMT)
Subject: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

Thanks for helping.

I didn't find how to do what you say.

1) I open a New Message (<Ctrl>N), I remove the BASE tag in it, in its "New Message" window I click "File > Save As", which offers me to save it as a Windows file in the Windows FS. I chose to navigate to my "C:\0oe" folder, and to create there a "Templates" sub-folder, in which I save the file as "New Message.eml", then I create in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu" a Shortcut to that "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file.

2) But then double-clicking that Shortcut opens the "New Message.eml" file as uneditable, and I don't remember how to render it editable. Then this implies to save the being edited copy of this file in "OE > Drafts" without altering the initial file in "C:\0oe\Templates".

To test if this would be really shorter than my current process (<Ctrl>N, Source pane, selecting the BASE tag and deleting it, then back to Edit pane), I need to know how to render the file editable. Can you recall me?

I also tried in the past to save a file in an OE "folder" (i.e. a File in Windows FS) named "Templates", but using it wasn't really faster than my current process.

Anyway, please tell me if I understood correctly what you meant me to try (and correct me if necessary). TIA,

Versailles, Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100

----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Steve Cochran <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/FC5049C8-AD61-4B26-9A40-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 08:03:13 -0500 (13:03:13 GMT)
Subject: Re: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

Well you "hit the nail on the head" here as we say on this side of the pond. I haven't checked in WinMail in Vista to see if they still do this, but I doubt seriously that they will ever fix it in OE.

As a workaround, try composing the message with the template as you wish it, and then try File | Save As and then see if the eml file when you open it is modified with the Base href or not.

I just tried it and it appears then not to insert the href. So instead of using the New Message Using, just create a template file and save it and whenever you compose a message click that template.


----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
Sent: Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100 (12:20:20 GMT)
Subject: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template...
Steve Cochran
2007-02-21 12:26:04 UTC
It should work. Try the file from Tom Koch's website and merge that into
the registry. http://www.insideoe.com/#kb918651 where "small registry file"
is highlighted.

Then it should work okay. You have the latest updates, but you may need to
reboot to make sure they are applied.

It works for everybody else with your build, so it will work for you.


"Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net> wrote in message news:***@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
1) My PCs are always kept updated (with a few exceptions, like KB911567
never installed - and no more reproposed by MU after KB918766).

2) I applied the "FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change, it didn't
work, even after closing/restarting OE, recreating and resaving the
"C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file: the file still opens as uneditable.
I guess shutting down/restarting Windows wouldn't change either.

I'll give up. Thanks again anyway for trying to help. This may be just an
annoyance, it is time consuming so your attention was very welcome. I feel
better now that I know everything that could be tried has been actually. I
hope I didn't disturb too much. Thanks again!

Versailles, Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/1EF0D5C3-6193-4722-8DF2-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 16:14:45 -0500 (21:14:45 GMT)
Subject: Re: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

I just save to the desktop, but then it gets cluttered. You probably need
to make the registry change to make the unsent behavior work again. Get the
latest OE security patch also. See www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14


----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100 (17:54:25 GMT)
Subject: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

Thanks for helping.

I didn't find how to do what you say.

1) I open a New Message (<Ctrl>N), I remove the BASE tag in it, in its "New
Message" window I click "File > Save As", which offers me to save it as a
Windows file in the Windows FS. I chose to navigate to my "C:\0oe" folder,
and to create there a "Templates" sub-folder, in which I save the file as
"New Message.eml", then I create in "C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Start Menu" a Shortcut to that "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml"

2) But then double-clicking that Shortcut opens the "New Message.eml" file
as uneditable, and I don't remember how to render it editable. Then this
implies to save the being edited copy of this file in "OE > Drafts" without
altering the initial file in "C:\0oe\Templates".

To test if this would be really shorter than my current process (<Ctrl>N,
Source pane, selecting the BASE tag and deleting it, then back to Edit
pane), I need to know how to render the file editable. Can you recall me?

I also tried in the past to save a file in an OE "folder" (i.e. a File in
Windows FS) named "Templates", but using it wasn't really faster than my
current process.

Anyway, please tell me if I understood correctly what you meant me to try
(and correct me if necessary). TIA,

Versailles, Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100

----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Steve Cochran <***@oehelp.com>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/FC5049C8-AD61-4B26-9A40-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 08:03:13 -0500 (13:03:13 GMT)
Subject: Re: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

Well you "hit the nail on the head" here as we say on this side of the pond.
I haven't checked in WinMail in Vista to see if they still do this, but I
doubt seriously that they will ever fix it in OE.

As a workaround, try composing the message with the template as you wish it,
and then try File | Save As and then see if the eml file when you open it is
modified with the Base href or not.

I just tried it and it appears then not to insert the href. So instead of
using the New Message Using, just create a template file and save it and
whenever you compose a message click that template.


----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin <***@laposte.net>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
Sent: Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100 (12:20:20 GMT)
Subject: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my
Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New
Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template...
Michel Merlin
2007-02-26 13:27:00 UTC
« Try the file... »

It seems you haven't read my post, that made clear that I had visited and applied www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14 > http://www.insideoe.com/#kb918651 , as well as http://update.microsoft.com/ and http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918766 , and duly redone *after* restarted OE. I will in addition retry after next restart (despite the 99% probability this won't change anything: everyone *who really tries first* knows that things don't work exactly as said) - which won't happen soon since I have currently 39 windows open (in addition to the 17 Systray icons and countless processes elsewhere - just applying the 15-year touted Windows' multitasking/multithreading), most with too much information to lose at reboot (e.g. local navigation history). After all, a PC is intended to be *also* used at other things than maintaining it...

Versailles, Mon 26 Feb 2007 14:27:00 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/1A9C598B-326A-4C6C-80EC-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:26:04 -0500 (12:26:04 GMT)
Subject: Re: The" FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change leaves the file uneditable

It should work. Try the file from Tom Koch's website and merge that into the registry. http://www.insideoe.com/#kb918651 where "small registry file" is highlighted.

Then it should work okay. You have the latest updates, but you may need to reboot to make sure they are applied.

It works for everybody else with your build, so it will work for you.


----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl
Sent: Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100 (06:41:45 GMT)
Subject: The" FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change leaves the file uneditable

1) My PCs are always kept updated (with a few exceptions, like KB911567 never installed - and no more reproposed by MU after KB918766).

2) I applied the "FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change, it didn't work, even after closing/restarting OE, recreating and resaving the "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file: the file still opens as uneditable. I guess shutting down/restarting Windows wouldn't change either.

I'll give up. Thanks again anyway for trying to help. This may be just an annoyance, it is time consuming so your attention was very welcome. I feel better now that I know everything that could be tried has been actually. I hope I didn't disturb too much. Thanks again!

Versailles, Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/1EF0D5C3-6193-4722-8DF2-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 16:14:45 -0500 (21:14:45 GMT)
Subject: Re: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

I just save to the desktop, but then it gets cluttered. You probably need to make the registry change to make the unsent behavior work again. Get the latest OE security patch also. See www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14


----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100 (17:54:25 GMT)
Subject: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

Thanks for helping.

I didn't find how to do what you say.

1) I open a New Message (<Ctrl>N), I remove the BASE tag in it, in its "New Message" window I click "File > Save As", which offers me to save it as a Windows file in the Windows FS. I chose to navigate to my "C:\0oe" folder, and to create there a "Templates" sub-folder, in which I save the file as "New Message.eml", then I create in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu" a Shortcut to that "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file.

2) But then double-clicking that Shortcut opens the "New Message.eml" file as uneditable, and I don't remember how to render it editable. Then this implies to save the being edited copy of this file in "OE > Drafts" without altering the initial file in "C:\0oe\Templates".

To test if this would be really shorter than my current process (<Ctrl>N, Source pane, selecting the BASE tag and deleting it, then back to Edit pane), I need to know how to render the file editable. Can you recall me?

I also tried in the past to save a file in an OE "folder" (i.e. a File in Windows FS) named "Templates", but using it wasn't really faster than my current process.

Anyway, please tell me if I understood correctly what you meant me to try (and correct me if necessary). TIA,

Versailles, Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100

----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Steve Cochran <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/FC5049C8-AD61-4B26-9A40-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 08:03:13 -0500 (13:03:13 GMT)
Subject: Re: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

Well you "hit the nail on the head" here as we say on this side of the pond. I haven't checked in WinMail in Vista to see if they still do this, but I doubt seriously that they will ever fix it in OE.

As a workaround, try composing the message with the template as you wish it, and then try File | Save As and then see if the eml file when you open it is modified with the Base href or not.

I just tried it and it appears then not to insert the href. So instead of using the New Message Using, just create a template file and save it and whenever you compose a message click that template.


----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
Sent: Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100 (12:20:20 GMT)
Subject: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template...
Steve Cochran
2007-02-26 23:50:09 UTC
Yes I read your post. And if you applied the registry patch properly, then
you are the only person on the entire planet where it didn't work.

You can now add another uniqueness item to your collection.

I will no longer attempt to assist you in your queries. My patience
collection has been exceeded in terms of its count.max.



"Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net> wrote in message news:***@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
« Try the file... »

It seems you haven't read my post, that made clear that I had visited and
applied www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14 > http://www.insideoe.com/#kb918651 ,
as well as http://update.microsoft.com/ and
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918766 , and duly redone *after* restarted
OE. I will in addition retry after next restart (despite the 99% probability
this won't change anything: everyone *who really tries first* knows that
things don't work exactly as said) - which won't happen soon since I have
currently 39 windows open (in addition to the 17 Systray icons and countless
processes elsewhere - just applying the 15-year touted Windows'
multitasking/multithreading), most with too much information to lose at
reboot (e.g. local navigation history). After all, a PC is intended to be
*also* used at other things than maintaining it...

Versailles, Mon 26 Feb 2007 14:27:00 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/1A9C598B-326A-4C6C-80EC-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:26:04 -0500 (12:26:04 GMT)
Subject: Re: The" FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change leaves the
file uneditable

It should work. Try the file from Tom Koch's website and merge that into
the registry. http://www.insideoe.com/#kb918651 where "small registry file"
is highlighted.

Then it should work okay. You have the latest updates, but you may need to
reboot to make sure they are applied.

It works for everybody else with your build, so it will work for you.


----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl
Sent: Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100 (06:41:45 GMT)
Subject: The" FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change leaves the file

1) My PCs are always kept updated (with a few exceptions, like KB911567
never installed - and no more reproposed by MU after KB918766).

2) I applied the "FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change, it didn't
work, even after closing/restarting OE, recreating and resaving the
"C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file: the file still opens as uneditable.
I guess shutting down/restarting Windows wouldn't change either.

I'll give up. Thanks again anyway for trying to help. This may be just an
annoyance, it is time consuming so your attention was very welcome. I feel
better now that I know everything that could be tried has been actually. I
hope I didn't disturb too much. Thanks again!

Versailles, Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/1EF0D5C3-6193-4722-8DF2-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 16:14:45 -0500 (21:14:45 GMT)
Subject: Re: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

I just save to the desktop, but then it gets cluttered. You probably need
to make the registry change to make the unsent behavior work again. Get the
latest OE security patch also. See www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14


----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100 (17:54:25 GMT)
Subject: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

Thanks for helping.

I didn't find how to do what you say.

1) I open a New Message (<Ctrl>N), I remove the BASE tag in it, in its "New
Message" window I click "File > Save As", which offers me to save it as a
Windows file in the Windows FS. I chose to navigate to my "C:\0oe" folder,
and to create there a "Templates" sub-folder, in which I save the file as
"New Message.eml", then I create in "C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Start Menu" a Shortcut to that "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml"

2) But then double-clicking that Shortcut opens the "New Message.eml" file
as uneditable, and I don't remember how to render it editable. Then this
implies to save the being edited copy of this file in "OE > Drafts" without
altering the initial file in "C:\0oe\Templates".

To test if this would be really shorter than my current process (<Ctrl>N,
Source pane, selecting the BASE tag and deleting it, then back to Edit
pane), I need to know how to render the file editable. Can you recall me?

I also tried in the past to save a file in an OE "folder" (i.e. a File in
Windows FS) named "Templates", but using it wasn't really faster than my
current process.

Anyway, please tell me if I understood correctly what you meant me to try
(and correct me if necessary). TIA,

Versailles, Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100

----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Steve Cochran <***@oehelp.com>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/FC5049C8-AD61-4B26-9A40-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 08:03:13 -0500 (13:03:13 GMT)
Subject: Re: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

Well you "hit the nail on the head" here as we say on this side of the pond.
I haven't checked in WinMail in Vista to see if they still do this, but I
doubt seriously that they will ever fix it in OE.

As a workaround, try composing the message with the template as you wish it,
and then try File | Save As and then see if the eml file when you open it is
modified with the Base href or not.

I just tried it and it appears then not to insert the href. So instead of
using the New Message Using, just create a template file and save it and
whenever you compose a message click that template.


----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin <***@laposte.net>
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
Sent: Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100 (12:20:20 GMT)
Subject: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my
Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New
Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template...
Michel Merlin
2007-02-28 20:55:20 UTC
Since Steve (or other "volunteers") won't help (or read or reply), this is for other readers.

1st, please readers read the previous posts and make your own opinion on who did post contents irrelevant with what they had obviously read too fast (or not at all). In addition, denying one's obvious mistake is not very good, particularly from someone claiming to "assist".

2nd, make your own opinion on who helps the most: the ones who post messages carefully informed, reality-checked and written? Or the ones posting the highest possible number of messages copied from theoretic boilerplates?

3rd, I deeply regret too many on these MS Public NGs have parted so far from the beginning, when the atmosphere was much more friendly, open and efficient, and now think they are the only ones able to help. It seems they have never noticed the amount of time spent by a number of visitors to post messages often much better prepared than their own. This drift has dramatically increased the number and volume of useless posts (the 3 last from Steve above are not the worst, there are sometimes much more, in number and in volume). May I suggest them to remember that their visitors have a brain too, and that they being modest, short and factual, should not force "volunteers" to assume them less knowledgeable than themselves. An experimented engineer visiting here will by his nature be modest hence assumed ignorant on such NGs and forums; this is a waste; please don't assume too much.

4th, I want to not forget the ones really helping, with many efficient messages, as (just examples) Michael Santovec, Jim Pickering, and plenty others - including, yes also, Frank Saunders, Steve Cochran, Bruce Hagen (despite their opposite attitudes, claims and promises, fortunately not always held).

Versailles, Wed 28 Feb 2007 21:55:20 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/BCD482CE-5D6F-4B73-A232-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Mon 26 Feb 2007 18:50:09 -0500 (23:50:09 GMT)
Subject: Re: Already tried " FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change - reboot shouldn't help

Yes I read your post. And if you applied the registry patch properly, then you are the only person on the entire planet where it didn't work.

You can now add another uniqueness item to your collection.

I will no longer attempt to assist you in your queries. My patience collection has been exceeded in terms of its count.max.



----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl
Sent: Mon 26 Feb 2007 14:27:00 +0100 (13:27:00 GMT)
Subject: Already tried " FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change - reboot shouldn't help

« Try the file... »

It seems you haven't read my post, that made clear that I had visited and applied www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14 > http://www.insideoe.com/#kb918651 , as well as http://update.microsoft.com/ and http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918766 , and duly redone *after* restarted OE. I will in addition retry after next restart (despite the 99% probability this won't change anything: everyone *who really tries first* knows that things don't work exactly as said) - which won't happen soon since I have currently 39 windows open (in addition to the 17 Systray icons and countless processes elsewhere - just applying the 15-year touted Windows' multitasking/multithreading), most with too much information to lose at reboot (e.g. local navigation history). After all, a PC is intended to be *also* used at other things than maintaining it...

Versailles, Mon 26 Feb 2007 14:27:00 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/1A9C598B-326A-4C6C-80EC-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:26:04 -0500 (12:26:04 GMT)
Subject: Re: The" FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change leaves the file uneditable

It should work. Try the file from Tom Koch's website and merge that into the registry. http://www.insideoe.com/#kb918651 where "small registry file" is highlighted.

Then it should work okay. You have the latest updates, but you may need to reboot to make sure they are applied.

It works for everybody else with your build, so it will work for you.


----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl
Sent: Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100 (06:41:45 GMT)
Subject: The" FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change leaves the file uneditable

1) My PCs are always kept updated (with a few exceptions, like KB911567 never installed - and no more reproposed by MU after KB918766).

2) I applied the "FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change, it didn't work, even after closing/restarting OE, recreating and resaving the "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file: the file still opens as uneditable. I guess shutting down/restarting Windows wouldn't change either.

I'll give up. Thanks again anyway for trying to help. This may be just an annoyance, it is time consuming so your attention was very welcome. I feel better now that I know everything that could be tried has been actually. I hope I didn't disturb too much. Thanks again!

Versailles, Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100
Michel Merlin
2007-03-05 17:31:15 UTC
I finally reached a reboot (unfortunately trigerred by Adobe without warning, which made me lose a lot of info I had been working on for a couple days). So today I came back here and retried this tip, and tested it more in real life, and this time, it works, and well; here's, simplified, what goes:

"Start > Lettre Merlin.eml"

does open a New Message, identical to the involved template, *sans* additional BASE tag or new blank line, and this time, editable. This greatly eases my daily mail handling.

I must admit that I thought the reboot had a low probability to really fix that (after it hadn't been fixed by simply restarting OE), and that in facts, it did fix it, and that, after tests, this fix does make my mail handling significantly faster and easier. Thanks a lot to Steve Cochran.

Versailles, Mon 5 Mar 2007 18:31:15 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl
Sent: Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100 (06:41:45 GMT)
Subject: The" FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change leaves the file uneditable

1) My PCs are always kept updated (with a few exceptions, like KB911567 never installed - and no more reproposed by MU after KB918766).

2) I applied the "FEATURE_HONOR_XUNSENT_IN_FILE" registry change, it didn't work, even after closing/restarting OE, recreating and resaving the "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file: the file still opens as uneditable. I guess shutting down/restarting Windows wouldn't change either.

I'll give up. Thanks again anyway for trying to help. This may be just an annoyance, it is time consuming so your attention was very welcome. I feel better now that I know everything that could be tried has been actually. I hope I didn't disturb too much. Thanks again!

Versailles, Wed 21 Feb 2007 07:41:45 +0100

----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/1EF0D5C3-6193-4722-8DF2-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 16:14:45 -0500 (21:14:45 GMT)
Subject: Re: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

I just save to the desktop, but then it gets cluttered. You probably need to make the registry change to make the unsent behavior work again. Get the latest OE security patch also. See www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#14


----- Parent Message (links are clickable) -----
From: "Michel Merlin" <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100 (17:54:25 GMT)
Subject: Thanks for help - can you explain more please

Thanks for helping.

I didn't find how to do what you say.

1) I open a New Message (<Ctrl>N), I remove the BASE tag in it, in its "New Message" window I click "File > Save As", which offers me to save it as a Windows file in the Windows FS. I chose to navigate to my "C:\0oe" folder, and to create there a "Templates" sub-folder, in which I save the file as "New Message.eml", then I create in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu" a Shortcut to that "C:\0oe\Templates\New Message.eml" file.

2) But then double-clicking that Shortcut opens the "New Message.eml" file as uneditable, and I don't remember how to render it editable. Then this implies to save the being edited copy of this file in "OE > Drafts" without altering the initial file in "C:\0oe\Templates".

To test if this would be really shorter than my current process (<Ctrl>N, Source pane, selecting the BASE tag and deleting it, then back to Edit pane), I need to know how to render the file editable. Can you recall me?

I also tried in the past to save a file in an OE "folder" (i.e. a File in Windows FS) named "Templates", but using it wasn't really faster than my current process.

Anyway, please tell me if I understood correctly what you meant me to try (and correct me if necessary). TIA,

Versailles, Tue 20 Feb 2007 18:54:25 +0100

----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Steve Cochran <***@oehelp.com>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/FC5049C8-AD61-4B26-9A40-***@microsoft.com
Sent: Tue 20 Feb 2007 08:03:13 -0500 (13:03:13 GMT)
Subject: Re: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

Well you "hit the nail on the head" here as we say on this side of the pond. I haven't checked in WinMail in Vista to see if they still do this, but I doubt seriously that they will ever fix it in OE.

As a workaround, try composing the message with the template as you wish it, and then try File | Save As and then see if the eml file when you open it is modified with the Base href or not.

I just tried it and it appears then not to insert the href. So instead of using the New Message Using, just create a template file and save it and whenever you compose a message click that template.


----- Parent Message (was in HTML - links in Header are clickable) -----
From: Michel Merlin <***@laposte.net>
Newsgroup: news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlookexpress.stationery
Message: news://msnews.microsoft.com/OLHi$***@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl
Sent: Sat 17 Feb 2007 13:20:20 +0100 (12:20:20 GMT)
Subject: OE changes my HTML template when using it!

In OE (Outlook Express), when I create a New Message using one of my Templates ("OE > Message > New Message", or "New Message Using"), the New Message that OE opens is altered by 2 additions to my own template...
Continue reading on narkive: